The great Alvin Weinberg made the point that what he called the "Republic of Science" "can be destroyed more surely
Providing water to a large population of urban customers, with plenty available for irrigation of parks and gardens, is not
You can download a copy of the Executive Report at: Download Summary You can also download a slide set of
Roughly speaking it looks like more than 800,000 AF of water may be leaving the state on an annual basis
This letter discusses why the water problem is really an energy problem. the-water-problem-is-really-an-energy-problem
Los Angeles is searching for new water.  The waste heat from just 7 of their power plants could supply the
The Role of Thermal Desalination in Los Angeles
As of September 30, 2015  the water surface elevation of Lake Mead was 1078.1 (according to USBR), full pool is